I'm finally on Twitter

So I'm finally on Twitter. First I get and i-phone and now I'm twitter, MIST7500 is forcing me into the 21st century. Twitter is a great tool for anyone seeking to maintain consistent contact with someone. For friends and family it is a great way to update each other throughout the day. I don't feel the need to be in constant contact with people and find it tedious to do so, which is why I'm not big on Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter. I tend to associate Twitter with celebrity gossip but it can also be really useful for businesses as you will see in my next post.

Twitter's help page is really comprehensive and I can tell that Twitter developers are committed to making a user-friendly site. I like the "whitelisting" optiion for APP developers. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I assume it allows developers specially privileges in order to make applications. A lot of Twitter's success probably has to do with keeping things simple. For example you cannot post photos and you are limited to only a few words; perfect for the text messaging generation.

I personally like the security features the most in Twitter. The fact that you can control who follows you is a plus even though they can find your page in a web search. I also like that you can find possible followers by importing your email address book. I was able to easily find people that way. Finally, its cool to keep up with friends without having to deal with the clutter that is Facebook, lots of photos, status updates, videos, messages, etc. It's really simple so I might become a regular tweeter!:-)


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