data management projects

The data management course has become more interesting to me as of late. I find the design process to be challenging but interesting. I like figuring out the best, most efficient design for a model. As of now my focus is on preparing for my groups presentation on Zigbee and the Grocery list App.

Also, I have been thinking about data models for a database that might represent students at the high school where I teach who participate in the Talented and Gifted Program (TAG). Teachers have access to general data such as class schedule, course history, etc. for students in our academic classes, but there is far more information that is not stored which applies only to TAG students. TAG students have additional classes called seminars, specific teachers called advisors, and data describing how they participate in the program. I will have to practice with data modeling a bit more, but I am motivated to explore this because electronic access to consolidated TAG student data would make my job far easier.

On another note, I am finding my new iphone to be really convenient! It really is nice to have so many products in one device that are compatible with all the applications on my macbook. :-)


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