
I watched "Glee" the new FOX sitcom on Hulu. The internet model is perfect for the Television industry. As it is non-cable television is free and the ability to monitor viewers via the internet is definitely a plus. The trends seem to be offering clips that cannot be seen on television on the internet and having the last 5 episodes available for viewing. This is ideal for viewers who don't use TIVO, DVR, or VCR's. It also allows people to watch at anytime. It may even influence the time a station chooses to air a television show if the internet trends show evidence of a more popular viewing time. Hulu and comparable sites really allow viewers to watch on their terms, by pausing the video at anytime or popping the screen out so that the video can still stream from another window while the user can use other applications on his or her computer. Its a great option that I have been using more especially since I don't have cable, on-demand, dvr, or a digital TV. :-)


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