Who's Who on the Web

Last week, J Cornelius, of Coffe Cup software and president of Atlanta Web Design Group spoke to my Master of Internet Technology class. What struck me the most about the presentation, apart from his enthusiasm for web design, was how often he encouraged us to learn about other pioneers in the field. Some of the names he mentioned I was familiar with, but most I was not. Here are the people I remember him mentioning.

Patrick Haney

is a member of the Web Standards Group and co-founder of Hanerino a a design studio outside Boston. He enjoys speaking about design and web for browsers. You can find his webpage here.

Paul Irish

is a front-end web developer. He is known for his work with fonts and works on Devloper Relations for jQuery and Google Chrome. See his bio here.

HÃ¥kon Wium Li

is the creator of CSS and Cheif Technical Officer of Opera browser. Find his bio through Opera's website.

Eric Meyer

is a CSS and Web standards expert. He is the principal consultant for Complex Spiral Consulting. See his bio here.

Johnathan Snook

is a writer of web standards. He is known for his design and "impeccable mark-up and code." See his bio here.

Jeff Zeldman

is one of the first designers, bloggers, and independent publishers on the web, and one of the first web design teachers. He currently hosts the online show, "The Big Web Blog," which I have posted about in the past. He is a member of several organizations related to web development and design. See his bio here.

I am currently not a web design professional but hope to make some shifts in that direction by the time I graduate. I’m sure that knowing more about these people's contributions to the web and joining the Atlanta Web Design Group will be a step in the right direction.


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