Podcast Review: Innovations in Web Input

Luke Wroblewski, formerly of Yahoo is an expert on rich web interactions. As websites become more and more interactive, it's in every web-designers best interest to stay up to date on trends and tips. The three points Luke makes with regard to innovations in input are:
  1. Rich Interaction
  2. Multiple Sources for User Input
  3. Taking Advantage of what has already been done.
The one that struck me most were 2 and 3.

With more technologies like Google Instant, users are expecting real-time feedback when they put input into a form. This type of rich interaction is essential on a modern website, but now that users are inundated with forms simply entering the same information over and over can be really frustrating. I personally can't stand filling out the same information repeatedly and almost never upload pictures to websites. Wroblewski emphasizes the importance of using other sources for input such as Twitter, Facebook, e-mail etc. Not only does the user have a less typing to do on his or her end, but the website now has access to all the additional information that comes along with that account. I tend to avoid social networking sites because I don't like to share too much personal information and don't like to feel tracked, but most people welcome the convenience of features that will help them bypass a form.

Another interesting conclusion is that most of the time people spend on the internet is NOT spent on the same site and and a web designer can gather information from interactions on those sites to use on his or her site. This is where browser extensions, Twitter, Facebook, calendars, etc. can be really useful. Mostly through the use of cookies, a user's interactions with other sites can be measured and analyzed to create more functional forms or to gather information to fill in the fields of forms. The more people interact with the web in general, the more rich the data extracted about them.

The web is an amazing tool for interaction, which has its roots in forms. Static web pages are rare these days and analysis and understanding of modern uses of forms will be a huge part of designing for savvy web users.


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