Data Models, etc.

This week has been another long week for me in MIT class. My group did our presentation on Zigbee, which went really well. I’m glad it’s over and that it was interesting for the class to watch.

Data modeling is really interesting. I am realizing how important to consider each and every possible relationship that can occur between entities. It is easy to think of one relationship with one entity and stop there, but the more you think about it the more entities could possibly be related. For instance, in the grocery list application I did not immediately consider that a category can be related to itself recursively due to subcategories. It is also easy to assume that each item will belong exclusively to one category although that is not usually the case. (i.e. Cheese can belong to both the deli and dairy food categories.) I also see the importance of researching before creating a data model. We had a homework problem about the events in a track meet and half of the possible attributes and relationships I had not even though of because I don’t know much about meets. Next time I will put time into researching before making a data model on a topic I am less familiar with. I plan to do a lot more practicing this weekend so that finding relationships becomes more intuitive to me.

Adding these social networking links has been interesting. Apart from the “add-gadget” feature in blogger, I am not sure how to change the html in layout. I found a tutorial through about doing that, but I’m not sure how to insert a direct link using the Digg, Facebook, or Twitter icons as links. I will work more on it later. I see how helpful it can be when trying to promote or share information.


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